Seeing the present situation i can undoubtedly say that Prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh, home minister P. Chidambaram and Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah are in a cockpit, so control things. They are together playing a very dangerous game. After the unfortunate deaths of over 84 people in J&K in the recent spate of violence, the trio instead of going after the perpetrators of the violence are trying to deflect the issue to the armed forces special powers act; its dilution or lifting it from some parts of the state.
Kashmir Issue is a disease which we adapted from very begging of our independence and in spite of so much of cure the disease has not yet vanished. Till the time this dispute has begun it has till now taken lives of more than 80 to 90 thousand lives of innocent populace.
I have listened to number of debates on this issue many state that this agitation is not for governance problems and administration but it is the result of erroneous behavior towards the youth of J&K. This turbulence is not at its peek. They on this point only pressurize government to exclude army interference in Kashmir. When the unemployment expel automatically the turmoil stop.
From my point of view, government should not day dream that automatically t
he crusade will disappear and everything will be in order. We all know that whether it is UPA government or NDA government in the past have treated Kasmiri's awfully. Time to time because of their political quandary and so that kasmiri's are happy both the alliances have constructed the situation so fallacious that now the ball is out of the court. Major amount of fund is available for the commoner of Kashmir in the union budget but if that money has not reached to the populace then question should be asked to the politicians and administrators of the state.
When questions are been raised on the Pakistan's involvement in the dispute. I am not at all in a doubt that it is included in some or the other way. Few days ago as we saw Pakistan and china's army drilling in POK area Pakistan is definitely involved in this so called agitation. In result of this only China have now started to call Kashmir as a impenetrable land.
Tomorrow when one journalist in a press conference asked Rahul Gandhi's interference he politely answered that Omar is taking right steps and i will not solve every issue of the country. From this articulation we can claim that central government definite that it will not take any big risk to stop this clash. It was also audible after the meeting of Mufti Mohammad Saed with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. But in his statement Rahul Gandhi also stated that Kashmir is arduous part to administrate so we should give time and support to Omar. I can only hope that this violence is fenced as early as possible. And government should not buckle under.
Ya i agree with you.
Kashmir is a very critical issue.
Very well written.
बढ़िया लिखा है प्रतीक तुमने .
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