Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Cricket World Cup 2011"- we are triumphant!

hen Mahendra Singh Dhoni chucked the ball to the boundary, India not only recouped Cricket World Cup after 28 years but it was also the highest run chaise by any team in finals. If Cricket is a religion inIndia, then win of our team in finals after so many years were equivalent to the second coming. In entire nation after this historic win Holi & Diwali simultaneously instigated. I was flabbergasted to observe UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi dancing on Capital’s roads. If June 25, 1983 changed the course of Indian and indeed world cricket, April 2, 2011 will linger emblazoned in remembrance of new generation of cricket fans. Now the image of Dhoni and his triumphant at Wankhade Stadium will sit in conjunction with faded images of Kapil Dev holding World Cup at Lord’s balcony. And for a generation who have grown up watching illustration and interviews after interviews before each world cup of heroic exploits of Kapil’s Devils, this was the movement to announce the arrival of a young India that isn’t afraid to rise to the juncture and exceeded outlook.

For 28 years the country had anticipated for this movement. Now that it has finally inwards, it is only natural that its legacy would be elongated enduring. If Anna episode has not arrived in its itinerary we have seen news channels presenting only triumph shows. Now cricketers have turn deities and corporate India would only help in expanding the periphery of cricket industry. And though team India rightly dedicated it to the immortal Sachin Tendulkar, playing the sixth World Cup, the win in the finals was brought a new illumination in the youngsters of our nation. The infectious exuberance of the youth was visible in the performance of the men in blue at the Wankhade Stadium in Mumbai along with Mohali alongside favorite rivals Pakistanis in Semis.

Furthermore it was apposite that the final was an all-Asian one, the subcontinent having befall the de facto headquarters of cricket since last four decades. Cricket legend and the local boy Master Blaster missed out a big score in front of home-crowd but his performance in whole series was commendable and unforgettable. One raison d'être natives were writing off this World Cup was the reminiscence of the last Cup in the Caribbeanwhich was such a monotonous affair. Excessively little viable games, meager association, ticket priced out of reach of commonplace fans, the mystifying death of Pakistani coach and India’s exit in the foremost stage all pooled to put off fans but also sponsors.

The arrangement more or less abolishes the leeway of the top team being knocked out at the preliminary stage, as had happened in 2007. But the manner the whole lot played according to the libretto including the magnificent India-Pakistan Semi final, a match up each one had been frantically eager for, was miraculous. That game was not only played in precise spirit, its effect was experienced away from the pitch and in the hallway of the clout. The celebratory ambiance was colossal spectatorship- not to mention that the three subcontinents teams were in four semifinalists- confirmed that the power centre of the cricketing world is now undeniably the subcontinent. Post 2011, cricket, it can be speculated, will no longer be constrained to urban middle-class India. With Dhoni and Raina already back grounding the stage, it will scarcely be a revelation if small towns rule the Indian cricket landscape over the next decade altering the panorama as it was Mumbai-Delhi monopoly till now.

I am basically a tennis player and Decision Review System is present in nearly all tournaments, to picture the same system i.e. the Decision Review System has won fans and perhaps paved the way for more technology-based invention is enormous. The new innovation worked well, despite of its flaws, facilitated minimizing the errors. The batting power play was a double fault with most team struggling mastering it. The ODI format, predicted to be loosing out of T20, is resurgent. But this World Cup would be memorized most for showcasing the preeminent of South Asia.

Not that there weren't any blemish. The ticketing system and the seats available for commoners was a flaw. Whereas nearly all of the tickets in the stadium sprayed in the tenuous ‘complimentary’ grouping, too little tickets were obtainable for the paying municipal. If truth be told I felt really appalling for Sri Lankan skipper Kumar Sangakkara, he lost the World Cup finals second time in a row. I memorize how media criticized Saurav Ganguly when India lost the finals in 2003 it is horrific for kumar he lost it second time.

2011 has accessed, the media the incident they looked-for to fabricate propaganda around constructing cricket as the ointment for the troubled nation. Before I finish I anticipate, men in blue will yet again bestow me opportunity to write my outlook of their monopoly in the subsequent World Cup too. The World Cup is history now.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

“The other side of the Anna Hazare agitation”

rior writing this article I walk off en route for Jantar Mantar not bodily but technologically i.e. all the way through news channels who were screening live coverage of the demonstration. Telecast showed a stage on which Hazare was quiescent, it seems he was resting on a white sheet behind was a big hanging watermarked by our national flag and a catchphrase was printed “To stop Corruption we want JanLokPal Bill”. In facade of the stage various supporters of Anna, who were too on fast were delivering their speeches one followed by other. Vocalizations were barely on corruption but other issues too like one woman converse about reservation she was eulogized by big round of applause. Some one else thrash out on price rise and rectification required in the polity of our nation but the foremost issue was Corruption and Corrupt leaders of our nation. Further one whispered that politicians of our nation are pillaging us more than the English accomplish formerly. The spectators were school students, journalists and commoners of Delhi.

If preceding year plentiful corruption scams were not exposed than too corruption was the principal issue in our nation. One question which was imminent in my brain from the time this demonstration was ongoing that why media was raising this issue to its peak? Subsequently, I discussed it with my mentor Dhananjai Chopra, he articulated that from this full fledge coverage media is trying to bring back the trust and credibility which was vanished by Radia Tapes previous year. Since we achieved independence corruption had been the biggest issue in the polity of our nation. In fact corruption is the part of life of every Indian at every platform. The issue is not only startling for poor classes our country but industrialists are also distressed. If the poor class of our country spends their lives by giving bribe to policemen for their shops at the road in the metro cities than industrialists too give bribe to politicians and officers for every contract.

Every year we are present in list of corrupt nations that illustrate that corruption is wholly spread in our country. Therefore, if Anna Hazare was running his movement on utterly corruption he would have got more support. The populace following him would be there in lacks not hundreds then only a personality can weigh him against Mahatma Gandhi not at this instant. Problem is he has done this fasting followed by demonstration for unconstitutionally implementing JanLokPal Bill which is off beam and alarming.

India is the biggest democracy of the world and to put into operation any rule we have certain laws which should not be boycotted. The principal power that our democratic nation furnishes us is to elect our leaders by voting for every five years. To make policies for our motherland is the obligation of the parliament not any other individual. If some individual desires to formulate law he ought to first win election and go to parliament. It is not proper to devise laws by fasting. On the other hand, for the bill Anna Hazare was fasting have severe mistakes. People who have produced the bill have given more precedence to non-governing bodies, in gloominess of the Lokpal how is this possible? Moreover Lokpal and Lokaukat would be given authority to investigate and to take action too. How is this possible? If the administration and judiciary of our nation is awful than how would we find Lokpal who are not fraudulent?

If Anna Hazare and his followers had certain recommendation for the rectification of the laws they can convey it to Law Minister, to himself become Law Minister is erroneous in a democracy. Or they can win election and walk off to parliament. Non-governing organizations have numerous obligations in a democracy but these functions are non-governing. If governments are shady populace can confiscate them from power through elections. If we will compose every law by demonstration then reliability of parliament would end and that would be disquieting for our nation.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Birth of a New Revolution!

s my comrade Richa utters “Revolution always Works” at whatever stage it works. Preceding month we saw a revolution, countless number of populace revolted attahrir square Egypt furthermore attain success too. Since three days we are seeing the alike number of commoners at the Jantar MantarNew Delhi. Social Activist Anna Hazare with 160 more people sitting on a fast unto death as JanLokPal Bill which is pending from years is not been put into operation. He is shored up by not only social activist from all over the country but also individualities like Sanjeev Pandey, Kiran Bedi, Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Prashant Bhushan and plentiful film stars too. Government after government have ruled although corruption which is the biggest obstruction in the development of the nation is not been clogged for the reason that we don’t have a stringent law against it.

Some days ago I got a chance with my pal mariyam to congregate with Sandeep Pandey- social activist and Magsaysy awardee he said that Anna Hazare will categorically force the government to surpass the bill. Narendra Modi today articulated that Anna Hazare has become this era’s Jai Prakash Naryan and currently there are emergency like circumstances. Even UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi has also requested Hazare to break his fast. Hazare responded thank you very much but we desire more. It is premature to analyze that whether this revolution would accomplish but this is certain that it is hard to fight for it. Not only in Delhi Hazare is receiving support from all over the nation and in overseas too. Like on every issue on this agitation too politics has geared up. Corruption has turn out to be way of our life as we are Indians there are numerous law to bring to a halt but to stop it this bill is vital. Sharad Pawar yesterday resigned from GoM subsequently to the announcement Hazare whispered he ought to resign from his Ministry.

I was reading a book on Mahatma Gandhi. Anna Hazare in these three days has emerge as the replicate of Gandhi but one demand from the clique of Hazare which is precise from the government region to reject that Hazare should be the head of the joint committee. If Mahatma Gandhi was leading this demonstration and was alive at this movement he would have in no way acknowledged heading the committee. The government also cast off official notification before formation of the committee which is one of the five demands put forward by the dissenters which is wacky for the reason that government is only trying pull the wool over commoner’s eyes.

Not barely in metropolitan cities nevertheless in miniature towns too the protest is getting larger it is not identical unity exposition that we saw after 26/11 verbalize by many senior analyzers however it is spiraling out to be the Indian Revolution against Corruption. If we acquire stat of previous year only, the million of money which has been clutched in scam after scam by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats of our nation illustrate that why Anna Hazare is sitting on fast. In view of the fact that it is towering time at this instant if currently this bill is not proposed than it will by no means pass and we would keep bearing corruption.

I have gone through the bill prepared by the cohorts of Hazare it gives autonomous authority like Supreme Court and Election Commission which is exceedingly significant and functional in nation chock-full with fraudulent leaders. Four decades have conceded but this bill was not outdo demonstrate that governments are culprit furthermore frightened from it. It was in 1968 when this bill was foremost proposed in the parliament but government after government the bill is in the offing till now which is odd.

Being an undergraduate of media studies I am a frequent user of web. If I observe the remonstration on internet whether it is facebook page of Hazare or on twitter the protest is becoming broad second after second. Media is also giving jam-packed prop up to the movement. Page one of every newspapers and debate topic on every news channel at prime time is this movement only. Lastly I would articulate by saying it is a bold initiative to replace the toothless law being enacted by the Government thoroughly steeped in corruption. Anna's crusade may well turn out to be the whiff of jasmine revolution.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad

Friday, April 1, 2011

Twitter- the painless mode to communicate with any being

witter in its last five years has ensued the best way to commune to entire globe in few words. Not only in our state but globally has turned out to be a revolution in the world of web journalism. Now Twitter is not only used by journalist but it is beloved among celebrities too. In fact numerous gigantic planet news stories were foremost crack through twitter only.

Reports have come into sight all the way through media that bolloywood celebrity Shah Rukh Khan has clogged tweeting. He uttered that nearly all of the epoch fans pose very personal and vulgar query and additionally share it with their acquaintances. Hearsay also pronounces that a score of other Celebes too have sluggish tweeting but not blocked. The details are akin to that if a bigwig have bunged smoking. But seniors don’t recommend discontinuing tweeting for the reason that it is not awful.
Bhartiya Janta Party has as well recommend Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj to abscond Twitter. She approved the guidance but it turn out to be predicament for the media as at the present they would be incapable to get immense news stories. At the outset enormous news stories can be acquired from twitter like when Bhartiya Janta Party leaders come to a decision to went to Lal Chowk- Srinagar they were congested near the border of Jammu & Kashmir this Republic day, Swaraj was bring up to date each and every minute move on Twitter. Nevertheless malevolence of this Swaraj has run off tweeting. But still blog of Lal Krishna Advani is on similar to Amitabh Bacchan.

These days’ blogs of both of them are exceedingly illustrious in actuality if we acquire an account of big information in relation to them nearly every one of them were taken from their blogs only. For the most part of the occasion newspapers dig up news from their only. Both of them are the most admired entity in their fields. No body has fortitude to request both of them to discontinue webbing. Moreover Sushma Swaraj has also turned out to be major leader of her party but she acknowledged the recommendation in verity she is not like Shashi Tharoor who throw-outs all advices in spite of hullabaloo.

I am too extraordinarily active on Twitter and Blogging I would adore to see bigCelebes and stars of our nation of web. In fact accounts of leaders like Narendra Modi of Bhartiya Janta Party and Manish Tiwari of Indian National Congress portray that the polity of our country stirring towards the novel era which would be an epoch unproblematic to communicate and extremely speedy in receiving any information from end to end whichever lone.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad