Sunday, September 18, 2011

P.M Modi v/s P.M Gandhi

The ambiance in the Congress party after Mrs. Gandhi befalls laid up is disquieting. Terrified, apprehensive and plus a quantity of tone alongside and the groceries of the current scenario for the oldest party of our nation is ready to serve. One can site the panorama at the premier point. Mrs. Gandhi is back in Delhi. Prior to various days when she went to meet her daughter Priyanka Gandhi, newspapers were informed so that vigorous picture ought to be printed. All of us saw that too. But then also her supporters are not satisfied. The illness of Mrs. Gandhi was prepared like a concealed tale that her friends must also been unaware.

If the philosophy was to lessen the tension, the effect is differing. Now verdict has been evolved that illness was so solemn that it cannot be broadcast in public. These days in central hall of the parliament or in the political galleries talks are common about Mrs. Gandhi’s illness but no one is ready to proclaim. If this phenomenon is till the political galleries it was ok, but it is turning out to be seem in Ministries of our government.

The influence of Mrs. Gandhi on the Prime Minister and other ministries is to that extent that in these weeks it was seen that small decisions appear big. The example can be sited in each ministry. There are many decisions which were pending, we know that our country is seeing price rise and in-spite of a P.M who is a finance expert, and those decisions were not executed till Mrs. Gandhi gave the authorization after she came back.

Identical mania happened during Anna Hazare movement too. Last week it was told to the T.V Journalists by himself Hazare that the principal problem at that time was, the voice of P.M was not been listened. He in a laughing mode said that ‘One and all thought that they are P.M themselves.’ Even when Anna Hazare was relieved from Tihar the ministers announced that it was on the order by Rahul Gandhi when he came back to the country, not on the P.M.

This phenomenon of insult of P.M was started from the time when Mrs. Gandhi before going abroad announced a four member committee to look into her work, and sadly P.M’s name was missing. The committee included Rahul Gandhi, Ahmad Patel, Janardhan Drivedi and A.K Antony. The panorama of P.M which was very tiny transformed into dwarf. That is the reason why these days there are different voices raised that Mr. Gandhi should become P.M. As the authenticity is might be he doesn’t get chance in the future.

The tribulations of congress party are becoming bigger and bigger day by day as 2014 is coming close. Moreover from the present circumstances we can articulate that Congress would not make government yet again. The only trump card left is secular beautiful leader Mr. Gandhi. This is the raison d'être why these days when T.V Journalists ask congress leaders about Narendra Modi, they get worried since the can compete their Yuvraj. There is no doubt if we eliminate Gujrat Riots chapter from Indian Polity, Modi is worth candidate for P.M position. Lastly, Mrs. Gandhi’s absence was hard not only for congress but nation too.

Prateek Pathak


B.A in Media Studies

University of Allahabad

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Epoch of Indian Defense and Security

The fifth lecture of the ongoing Orientation Series,-which is structured every year for the students of B.A in Media Studies and P.G Diploma in Photojournalism and Visual Communication by Centre of Media Studies, IPS, University of Allahabad was by Dr. Prashant Agrawal, Associate Professor, Defense Department , University of Allahabad and prominent defense expert. The program started with welcome words by Dhananjai Chopra, Course Coordinator, Centre of Media Studies followed by the lecture.

The topic for the lecture was ‘Emerging Challenges of Indian Security: past, present and future’. Dr. Agrawal started by articulating eon of Indian security and defense.

In this format he put in the picture the historical perspectives like non existence of India as nation-state, no well defined area, economy, population, rule of law, governance, sovereignty etc, concept of kingdom was exist, military power was the main measurement to maintain kingdom, role of traditions and religion important, image of soft, wealthy, peace loving and traditionalist nation.

Afterwards he enlightens that from Vedic period to the present the strategic thinking was based on defensive approach: peace keeping, peace making and peace building. After I-C war the theory of idolism seems off beam and realism proper.

Moreover, he thrashed out the present perspective like the disputed areas of our country. Azad Kashmir or P.O.K region, Aksai China area and parts of Arunachal Pradesh which comes under disputed areas were thrown into light.

The 1971 war was a testing ground for the two super powers. Pakistan interference in world became grand after Islamic Bomb was developed. Additionally he stated many cram and facts regarding different wars we fought with Pakistan and China. He also reflected the relation with chief countries regarding our defense policies and strategies.

Afterwards, Dr. Agrawal started illuminating the later part of the lecture which focused on the future perspective and challenges for Indian security and defense. Governance should be strong. We should find the root cause of maoist attacks to put an end to it. The pathway of uneven development should be replaced to even. We should build rail line till the tip of north-east. We should combat regional terrorism. He concluded by stating that there is an immediate need to chip in performing certain steps that would not only make us developed but also inclusive. After the lecture Dr. Agrawal answered certain questions raised by the students. The program ended with vote of thanks by the Course Coordinator of the Centre. The C.M of the centre was also present.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Panorama of Indian Society

The fourth lecture of the 'Orientation Series'- which is structured every year for the students of B.A in Media Studies and P.G Diploma in Photojournalism and Visual Communication by Centre of Media Studies, IPS, University of Allahabad was by Dr. Hemlata Shrivastav, Associate Professor, University of Allahabad. The program started with welcome words by Dhananjai Chopra, Course Coordinator, Centre of Media Studies followed by the lecture.

Lecture of Prof. Shrivastav was rapt around the social structure and historical moorings of Indian Society. She started by articulating that cast system is not only in Hindus but in every religion in our country. There are different types of relationships like primary, secondary, and tertiary.

Marriage is the threshold to family. Before giving the name to his child a being thinks according to his cast and religion. Small families or a child to a couple which is a current trend is a sign of career pressure. The politicization of cast is perilous. The techno savvy families also exist.

People vote a person according to his cast which is degrading our society. Cast-based-politics should be stopped. Social mind frame is simultaneously changing but this is difficult to say that after decade or so cast system would end.

We are greedy for relations. Social relations are the social facts of India Society. Money is very important. Living relationship and its impact was also discussed. Some important studies like marriage of a girl with a dog because of mangal in her kundali(bihar-west Bengal border), marriage of girl with her uncle(south India) and marriage of girl with his cousin brother(Gujarat) was also voiced and thrash out.

Furthermore, she discussed about impact and power of Khap Panchayat and other Cast Panchayats on our system. ‘What will people say’ syndrome was also discussed. Her lecture was filled with different sociological studies and outlook of great Sociologists.

Lastly Prof. Srivastav said that study on sociology is like there is two sides to each coin so there are positives and negatives for every study of our society. She also answered many questions raised by the students. Listeners time to time applauded on segments of the lecture. Many students expressed that this was the best lecture of whole series and requested Prof. Shrivastav to conduct a workshop in future. The program ended with vote of thanks by the Course Coordination of the centre.

Prateek Pathak


B.A in Media Studies

University of Allahabad

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It’s alarming......‘metal detectors are out of order’

Yesterday, yet again we saw an attack. It’s simply bizarre that we all Indians are seeing security catastrophe occasion after occasion. The most astounding part of the story is that investigating agencies are having the long list of terrorist attacks which are unsolved. Debaters on Indian News Channels are discussing about the security lapse and articulating that India should learn from America which is free from and attack after 9/11.

The Security arrangements in Sangam city are alarming. There is no need to articulate about the ailing amenities and security personals but one point which should be discussed is out of order metal detectors. The image shows the out of order metal detector of Hanuman Temple, Civil Lines. This is disquieting since we are having terrorist attack instance after instance. So Wake up Government.

Prateek Pathak
B.A in Media Studies
University of Allahabad

Shades of relationship of Emerging Powers…

The Orientation Series structured every year for the students of B.A in Media Studies and P.G Diploma in Photojournalism and Visual Communication by Centre of Media Studies, IPS, University of Allahabad was inaugurated, this Saturday by the lecture of Prof. Swaran Singh, Professor and Chairperson Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi. The evening started with welcome words by Dhananjai Chopra, C.C, Centre of Media Studies followed by the lecture.

Lecture of Prof. Singh was rapt around relation of India and China. He started by saying one can choose a friend but not neighbor. The relation of India and China is dynamic and comprehensive. India can love or hate China but can’t ignore it.

International policies of our nation reflect our coalition politics. Both the nations missed Industrial Revolution. It started later some 3 decades ago. The GDP of America is way ahead to the two states. In next 50 years this is assimilated that China would doubled and India would come close to USA’s GDP.

Indians love abstract possessions. Articulating about military measuring he said India is constant, China is mounting and America has the half the number of world’s military expenditure i.e. USA is way ahead in military muscle.

On population frontage USA has 1/4th of India’s and China has little more than us but in growth rate population China is decreasing, USA is increasing and India is the preeminent. Grounds of tribulations in Economic Engagement between the two states are increasing trade deficit, skewed nature of experts, trade rules and mutual suspicion, border trade never took off, minimal mutual investments.

Furthermore talking on reasons of Boundary problems between I-C he said are border versus frontier, territorial state alien to us, nature of terrain and size, post liberation equations, different political systems, Dalai Lama’s arrival and war. Therefore, future Challenges for the two countries are sustained high economic growth with economic generation, coordination for energy procurement, sea lanes for energy and foreign trade, climate change and environmental threat, dealing with the perennial US factor, internal dynamics.

Last but not least, in concluding words Prof. Singh said China is a rising star and would remain in glare of global attention. India does not have this challenge indeed some powers like the trying to prop India as a challenger to China. As of now C-I ties are moving in right direction. Yet, the pace of progress remains slow and their friendship remains fragile. In the short term, therefore, the US factor remains critical. The evening ended with vote of thanks by the Course Coordination of the centre. The faculty members of the centre Sunil Srivastava, Sachin Mehlotra and Vidhya Sagar Mishra were also present.

Prateek Pathak


B.A in Media Studies

University of Allahabad