But through one political strategy Hindi was made as the only official language or 'THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE' of our country.So from this political step Hindi became enemy of the other languages of our country.This was the perfect Political strategy to divide other languages.So due to this step we saw a bad reaction on 9 November 2009 in Maharashtra State Assembly.This reaction was respect to our Constitution or to state assembly or to the common public that only politicians can explain.This cannot be explained by priests of different community or by the common people who have elected these so called politicians to the legislative assembly.

In Maharashtra Assembly we saw not only in three but oath was taken in four languages.In Marathi,Sanskrit,Hindi & English.Pledge was to be taken in Marathi language only not just because it is the state and working language of maharastra but also of the Order of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena Chief Raj Thackeray.Raj Thackeray has ordered that if members will not take oath in marathi then they would be punished.My Question is who is Raj Thackeray,to give orders against the constitition to the members of the legislative assembly.If u have requested thn that is all right.It is against our law that the person who is not a mamber of the state assembly is giving orders to the members of the assembly.Our constitution give right to the members of the assembly to take oath in any of the different assembly mentioned in the constituttion of our assembly.THE NEW HITLER OF MAHARASHTRA was doing many activities in a week against our Constitution,but the government was helpless.The congress govenment of maharastra did not take any action against THE NEW HITLER OF MAHARASHTRA.

Our country respect Human Beings.Not only Maharashtians but North Indian also.From all over our country students come to north india for higher education.It implies to Medical higher education also.Infact non of them have ever raised any language issue and nor of any state or region wise issue.I think Thackeray Family dosent know it?But if in any case they know it they dont want to understand.They are directly or indirectly dividing our country.Politicians are spreading fire in our country.Just because trough that fire only they can cook thier food.Now i think that politcians are more selfish then also to the till date most selfish Indra.Please Pardon me but Mohammad Ali Jinnah also showed this type of angers against language.Infact ?Jinnah also asked the people of eastern pakistan to speak only urdu.He at that time 'Bangla-Vangla kuch nahi,Urdu sab kuch' which means that people you should speak only Urdu leave the Bangla.Raj Thackeray is also moving on the same desety road.We can say that MNS has indirectly thrown fire,whosoever will support him will injurd himself in the fire.

Infact Bal Thackeray in his daily newspaper 'Samna' wrote that Abu Azmi has done a crime.?Directly or indirectly he supported Raj Thackeray.This is really very very bad.This undoubtadly shows that Blood is more dark than water.Brother's -son and language is bigger than the constitution of our country.?It is really strange that such a senior politician dose not said anything against the people who taken the oath in English.Leave Bal Thackeray,where where BJP and RSS.What happened to them?Why where they silent.This can be termed as MURDER OF OUR NATIONAL LANGUAGE.When some Mulana of Muslim community passed the Fatwa against 'VANDE MATRAM' they all were responding against that,but when our language was murdered where were they.Why they did not react.

Language is not real or unreal.Nobody can ever stop any language.Thackeray Family languages react more than the human beings of any state.Once in the /British Parliament there was an order that whosoever will speak English instead of French will loose his/her life.But here the ?Big Question is that did they succeed in doing any harm to English?Languages make their way of its own and remove all the barriers in their way itself.Hindi our National Language is doing the same.It is Moving with the respect to the other sister Languages.