One great man has rightly said that 'Indian Politics is Bad'.I completly support this view.This is completely right that our country's politics is very very dirty.But the big question is why? Our country politics is bad and dirty just because of politicians like kalyan singh of Uttar Pradesh.Talking about this man who is former chief minister of the the biggest state of India.Yes Uttar Pradesh is the biggest state of India.The state which has produced most number of Prime Minister's of our country.But the irony is in today's time the state is still bigger but now we don't know Uttar Pradesh as the biggest state of our country but we know it as the state which produces the worst politicians of our country. And i can undoubtedly say that kalyan Singh is one of them.He was the chief minister of uttar pradesh at the time when barbari mosque was lifted.At that time he was in Bharatiya Janta Party.I as a Hindu never feel good that the mosque is no more in Ayodhya where ram mandir was there years back.Infact i felt very bad when this incident take place. I am saying Kalyan Singh as the dirty politician who makes our country's politics dirty because he is really dirty.

And after quitting he was independent but his son join samajvadi party and even got a big post.And he was indirectly in samajvadi party only as he was present in each and every programme of S.P. Recently on 14 November 2009 he again showed his dirty as poltics as his son quit the samajvadi party and he now stated samajvadi party as the worst party and even stated Mulyan singh as his enemy.And the big thing is that he is now praising RSS and even saying that Bharatiya Janta Party is a good party.This is because now he has to return to Bharatiya Janta Party.Because he now don't have other options. Overall i want to say that we should try to vote and follow the leaders who are good politicians and don't do dirty politics.
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